Infusing rigor, vigor, breadth and depth in doctoral research

DAEA brings together academic and professional associations of doctoral holders who are dedicated to the elevation, advancement, support and sustainability of doctoral education in Eastern Africa.

To this end, the association draws from a pool of academic and professional skills and attitudes developed, refined and practiced over the years

In doing so, DAEA provides a unique platform to vigorously advance the rigor, breadth and depth of doctoral and post-doctoral education in the East African region.

Learn more

How to become DAEA Member?

You may apply on-line by paying a non-refundable application fee of Ksh 2,000 for doctoral student or holder membership and Ksh. 5,000 fo institutions or corporates following the links below;

A membership certificate will be issued after payment of an annual membership fee.


A call to join The Doctoral Association of Eastern Africa (DAEA)


Doctoral Association of Eastern Africa (DAEA) is a registered association for doctoral holders and doctoral students 




Benefits of Joining DAEA


1)   Shorten doctoral graduation time

2)   DAEA will be your companion in your doctoral

3)   Forum to discuss and present your research work (Thesis/Dissertations) with your peers and doctoral holders

4)   Research opportunities

5)   Improve your thesis/Dissertation supervisory skills

6)   Space to publish articles to meet graduation requirement and career recognition

7)   Marketing personal doctoral skills

8)   Automatic member of “Friends to DAEA Club ”

9)   The right to forward your papers for publication to DAEA peer reviewed journal “The University Journal ”

10) Access DAEA publications

11) Becoming a peer reviewer for The University Journal

12) Contribution to chapters in books

13) Access and participate in DAEA annual conferences and other international conferences

14) Sharpen your mentorship skills through doctoral student mentorship program

15) Post-doctoral research opportunities in DAEA institutional partners

16) Access to fellowship programs

17) Strengthening members ’ academic and professional networks

18) Participating in contributing to solving societal problems through research

19)   Improve personal career development



Please click below links to register or write an email to


Associate Membership Ordinary Membership Corporate Membership



Infusing rigor and vigor

Our Vision

A prosperous society fostered by intellectual discourse,  high quality teaching and research.

Our Mission

DAEA exists to contribute to societal solutions in Africa and beyond through exemplary doctoral and post-doctoral research, training and service.

Our Core Values

DAEA is a community of scholars committed to academic and professional excellence. We champion innovation, integrity, mental stimulation and high performance standards in research, academia and industry.

Participants during a workshop on Practical Research Statistics held on 21st February 2020 at United Kenya Club