Dr. Gatumo is a career teacher having demonstrated his teaching skills at the secondary and post-secondary institutions. In the teaching field, he has created innovations that were learner centered with business cases. He has developed Bachelor of Science in Finance.
He supervises graduate thesis with a view to validation for purposes of graduation of the students.
As the program Director for Accounting, Finance and Economics, he has supervised and oversee moderation of examinations, setting of examinations and reviewing course outlines to ensure that the teaching objectives, the learning objectives, and the learning outcomes are in tandem.
He has been involved in the preparation of teaching materials for Extra- Mural programs at the University of Nairobi.
He has carried out audit assignments, prepared books of accounts including budget making. He has ably acted as financial management agency for large Non-Governmental Organization,cooperative societies and unions.
He is currently involved in the teaching of investments, capital structure reengineering, and foreign exchange markets both at undergraduate and graduate programs.
Gatumo was the chair of the United States Internal University -Staff Retirement Benefits Scheme. He oversees the investment of over ksh 1.0 billion